• Lakeport Unified School District will be processing their interdistrict agreements for the upcoming school year beginning April 1, 2023.

    We ask that all requests for interdistricts for the 2023-2024 school year be submitted by May 31, 2023.


    Please review BP 5117 - Interdistrict Attendance (sidebar) for the timelines regarding interdistrict agreements.

    There are two interdistrict agreement forms, depending on the reason for the transfer request.  Both forms can be found on the sidebar.  The reasons for revoking an interdistrict agreement are listed on the documents that will be signed by the parent and student.


    Interdistrict permits may be revoked for any of the following reasons:

    1.    A student does not benefit from instruction and/or disrupts the learning environment. This may include excessive absences, tardiness, poor grades (i.e., all grades of “C” or better) or disciplinary incidents.
    2.    Violation of school or district rules and/or procedures.
    3.    The conditions of eligibility under which the permit was originally granted do not remain in effect.
    4.    A parent/guardian has made false statements or misrepresentations in applying for or maintaining the permit.

    Please contact the district office at 262-3000 for further information on the interdistrict agreement process.